So. I guess we are pulling out of Mercury in retrograde by tomorrow.
After spending these past 3 weeks in some reflection (SOME my EYE!!! LOTS!) I need to now share about my Father. Who, in the previous post about my Mother and Fashion I told that he beat her. Well, he did. I suppose there would be many who would say... he is not worth the effort to write about. Well, that is not true either.
In a world that loves to point out dichotomies with no gray area in between.. I can tell you that yes. There is a lot of gray area. Life is a lot of gray area.
I loved my Father.
As my best friend said in a sympathy card to me after his passing, 'He was larger than Life'. He was. He was the guy who everyone wanted to be around, the guy that his workmates went to for help, the guy who was always ready for a scotch no matter the time of day. He was a guy you could count on. If, you were his friend, and if you had something to offer him in return. But, a kid does not see the IF part. They see the BIG part. The larger than life part.
He did have a good heart inside. He was a very troubled man. He messed up terribly. My feeling is that, if he did not love my Mother he should have done it right and saved her from the beatings, and us from the abuse as well. Being afraid of your Fathers fury is not the way a kid should grow up...but... plenty of kids have and have survived it.
He felt guilty over his behavior, I know that. He took me to Mass every Sunday over a course of maybe 2 years when I was very young, lets say 5 & 6. He had a terrible temper. It caused him to be highly abusive mentally and physically. When I think about these things I cannot figure out why I loved him! But I did! Maybe because when he was making something, he would throw us a few boards, a hammer, some nails and we would build these horrible things that we envisioned being works of art. When he was cementing he would throw us gloves and sit us down with wet cement to play with (who does that? Who tells kids under 10, have fun with this but don't get it on your skin or it will burn your skin off?) Our Father, that's who and play with it we did. Adding rocks and pebbles to it, pouring over the ground on the side of the house, again making terrible structures that looked like crap but were truly gorgeous to us. And yeah, he did this to get out out of his way...but....we worked right alongside him the entire time. Several Summers up in the Adirondacks, he brought us camping. I will never forget those Summers. Now I realize of course that it was during those times they were having the terrible problems in their marriage. I still do not know particulars, it is their business anyway. But I can express that they were wrong to jeopardize the well being of their children in their quest to find themselves in their own wreckage.
Of course, what is done is done. And the time for forgiveness (again!) is here. I won't mince words.. his funeral... was very hard. We, (my Brother, My Sister, Me) were excluded in spirit although we were there. His girlfriend of more years than he and our Mother had been physically together (for that was another dysfunctional mess...he never gave our Mother a divorce!) really didnt want us there. She tried to get the Church to turn the funeral around in 2 days time after his death to avoid us getting to DE in time. But... we did get there in time. Her children, they went on and on about what a great man our Father was, how good he was to each of them, they shared these wonderful stories of his love for them and I have to say that each word of theirs ripped up my heart every single time. I felt as if I was going to collapse.
When our Father left our Mother in the early '80s it was after a terrible blow out. A traumatic beating that he gave her. And... I hit him... to get him off of her. I hit him with our horses bridle. I told him to leave, and to never come back. He never did. Essentially, he turned his back on us. WE were his old life, and he went to the woman he had been having an affair with for some time. The woman whose children were praising our Father after death.
While her children thought it was funny in a way that he was our Father for 20 years, and then theirs for 20 years... I could not find the humor in it. I do not fault them though. Really, what do you say. I do not think they meant for their words to hurt as they did. There were many other things about the whole event of our Father passing that are too upsetting, but none of it was generated by any of his 'step' children. Because I loved him I have been able to forgive him. His girlfriend... is another story and one that I work daily on. Although I have come to a point where I am not harboring negative thoughts against her. So, I am getting some where.
Now, when I think of my Father, I remember the picture of him with my Mother above, or other ones very similar. Choosing to think of him this way is soothing and good. Because that is when he was my Daddy.
So, today, I let these thoughts out to the Universe... out to God... out of my head. I release the negative about my relationship with my Father and embrace the positive.
This life is too short for negative. Rather, I use it as a lesson, a stepping stone to learn from. I hold more firmly on to God, and I thank God for my Father , who for a short time taught me humility by the simple act of taking me to church for a few short years.