Thursday, June 2, 2011


.....One of the things that I hope is not a theme here is death because it is what this post will be about as well. I totally recognize that death and life are hand and hand, but when friends are passing away from cancer on what seems to be a regular basis mortality doesn't seem so long lived right now..but I think it is how we should look at our days no matter our age. We don't though.
This person who passed away recently was not a good close friend, but she was a friend who I cared to see on the occasions that I did see her. I am not including her name, because she chose to not share her illness with some friends, me being one of them. I knew that she was ill, and did attempt to reach out to her some months ago but my offer was not accepted. I told her around 13 or so years ago to not think I am weird but that I thought she had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. It was true. They were the eyes of a lioness, and when you think of a lioness you think of her cubs as well, this woman with her lioness eyes had a fierce love of her children.
I will miss her. I saw her occasionally in the last 10 years out at stores, etc. We would talk and laugh. She had a great laugh. I remember fondly our 'party' times, out after work. There were not too many of those because she was very devoted to her kids and didn't want them with a sitter while she was out having fun. I do not think she wasted her life at all. I think she loved it, loved the kids and their lives in hers. I am sad, for her children most of all. I have a stanza of a Pat Benetar song that keeps rushing around my head while she is here in my thoughts;
"We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield"
Sadly, I really do not know anything about her life really. Why that song is relating to her at this time for me is a mystery. I will miss her. Safe passage....

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