My Husband, He died.
On our 33rd Wedding Anniversary. In July.
Everything is hard. Seems hard.
It got a bit easier to grasp, to deal with as things began to open back up... to see friends... to go to Church... but now they are closing back up again.
Our Governor was yelling at a reporter today... the reporter asked very good questions about the closing back up again.
A lady who lives across the street from my Daughter was found dead today. Her Husband died less than a month ago. She was in her 70's. Isolated. Covid for your health. Did she kill herself? We do not know yet.
The death ratio is far less than even the common flu.
Yet, we are barraged by this... and mandatory things they are wanting to put on us during this... and prolonging this. It is real... but... still.....
It made my Husbands last time in the hospital horrible. Already extreme restricted visiting hours... and he had 3 Covid tests for 3 different hospitalizations June to July. The last test, they took forever to come back with the result. I think that they thought he was going to die in the hospital...and I think that the plan was to mark him as a Covid death.
I feel tired. And very sad.
My heart breaks for a woman who lives across the street from my daughter... someone who I do not know.
My heart breaks for the elderly who have been forced by family members to be alone because the government told them to be. The restrictions being declared over who you may have in your home for the Holidays. The Fear being dumped.
Are we Americans? Or something else.
Whatever it is... I certainly do not like it.